Thursday, May 15, 2014

30 Word Thursday: Grey

Shiny steel and reflective glass take on a dull and ominous cast.
Above looms a foreboding sky, promising chill rains and whipping winds.
Earth's natural metallurgy turns gold to lead.
This is 30 Word Thursday:  Take a pic and write a 30 word story or poem.  It is that easy!  This week's pic was taken on a cloudy day in Leuven, Belgium, just outside our hotel at the entrance to the train station.  The contrast of modern glass and steel against ancient stonework was startling to me.
Check out the other entries this week at Treasures Found Blog!


Alice said...

Great photo. Usually grey is boring but not this time.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

you always blow me away with your photos. Add to that your incredible way with words and you come up with some extraordinary visionary beauty which is mesmerizing. Thank you! jean

Drtanglebones said...

Thank you two, I really appreciate your comments!

TesoriTrovati said...

Marvelous image. The ominous sky is threatening, but the structure seems comforting in a way, a refuge from the coming storm. Beautiful image. Powerful words. Thank you for sharing your 30 Words! Enjoy the day. Erin