At the end of last year I discovered This is a small group of photographers who set forth a weekly challenge to other professional and amateur photographers. What I was drawn to with this weekly assignment is that is pushes you to try new techniques and get out and take pictures on a weekly basis. I'm taking part again this year and will also do a quick blog post about each of them. The rules of the challenge do require that these are new pictures, not from your back catalog. With my busy work schedule, I may not be able to get out each week and do this, so I will likely add a few of my older photos on the blog--taking the opportunity to look at the plethora of pictures I've taken and actually do some processing and weeding.
2016 PhotoChallenge Week 32: White on White
I've been super busy the past few weeks and haven't had much time for blogging. But this week's photochallenge was worth a quick one. The goal of the challenge is to do a white subject against a white background--but not to shoot in black and white. A pop of color is acceptable.
I broke out my small lightbox and used a couple of small lamps to either side to get a more diffuse lighting on this. I set up my camera on a tripod for a bit longer exposure and some stability. I also used a curved sheet of heavy white paper as a base for the set-up.
1) Eggplants: I grew these cute little albino eggplants in the garden this year (the only ones not eaten by our annoying local rabbit population). I liked this set and think the green adds some contrast to the shot.
2) Eggs! This one is pretty self explanatory. I was going to do a dozen eggs and one brown or bluish one--but these were the only white eggs we had from our meat and egg CSA TC.Farm.
3) Rollin' Dice: I got more shadow on this one than I wanted, but it still looks decent.
Overall a fun challenge and got me a little more practice with white backgrounds!