Friday, January 10, 2014

A Picture Is Worth 30 Words

My wife pointed out a fun blog hop started by the wonderful artist Erin Prais-Hintz on her blog Treasures Found, to try out 30 Word Thursdays.  This is a fun challenge: using an image as inspiration, try to write something in exactly 30 words to bring across what it means to you.  As a wanna-be photographer, I've got plenty of pictures that haven't seen the light of day and this seems like a good excuse to throw some of them out into the Interverse.   All the images I'll use are my own, and all are taken with my iPhone 4S.  I do use some camera apps to enhance or improve some of them in case you notice that the colors are just a little too perfect or funky.  As my usual readers will know, this blog is mainly about homebrewing and craft beer, but hey even that gets old sometimes!  And yes, I'll have some beer-related pics as well.  I'm going to post this today (Friday) because I didn't find out about this challenge until late last night.


Rolling waves clear conspicuous evidence of human habitation. 

Endless expanse of empty sand stretches to rosy horizon.

Joining me, another lone traveler from distant lands arrives upon this hallowed shore.


TesoriTrovati said...

Wow. That is an iPhone pic? That is brilliant! The colors of the sky are marvelous and that mysterious piece of wood makes me wonder at the stories it could tell! I am so happy to have you join me on this journey. I think this will be a lot of fun to step outside my box! Enjoy the day. Erin

Andrew Thornton said...

Gorgeous photo and powerful words that transport me to that expansive shore.